Dots Platform Case Study
How we increased the conversion rate by 11.4% and the profit by 23% with the new apps

Food delivery is a complex and competitive business, with a large number of processes and people involved. Every optimized process and every percentage of profitability makes a difference. That's why, at Dots Platform, we do our best to increase our customers' profits while maintaining the ideal sequence of processes: Marketing - User - Order - Back Office - Kitchen - Logistics.

In January 2022, we released a new version of mobile ordering applications that our team had been working on for a year. We have completely rebuilt the interfaces, using the data from 2 million orders that had passed through the platform. We changed the design to make it look better and be more user-oriented. Also we used the latest technologies (Swift, Kotlin, Laravel + serverless AWS).

After the release, we measured the conversion of iOS and Android applications of 10 different businesses in parallel (simultaneous use of old and new versions by different users) using Firebase and got the following result:

Conversion growth - 11.4%
Сompared to the previous version of the application

This is a significant difference, because, with the same marketing and rental costs, the same number of staff in the workplace, couriers, and back-office agents online, businesses on average began to receive additional 114 orders to every 1,000 simply due to the better technologies. This, in turn, directly affected the profitability of the business.

According to our calculations, the new release of mobile applications can increase profitability by up to 23%, depending on the structure of income and expenses of the business. A detailed PnL Dark Kitchen comparison table showing how changing a mobile app's conversion affects profit you can find here.

Profit growth - up to 23%
Depending on the structure of income and expenses

See our Case Study

A quick look at the App

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